
Barya threw off the chains of the Empire and allied with Harima to form independent merchant states. Now contracts are law and anyone, human or Harima, can rise by their deals and their deeds. The art of the tinkerers keeps them one step ahead of their enemies and the sound of the Hellbreath brings terror to all.


Nimander Breeze

"The winds of Barya, they are my breath."
Offence 10
Defence 5
Movement 12
View Radius 7
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Mehry Wondercraft

"What makes the world tick?"
Offence 5
Defence 10
Movement 12
View Radius 7
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Captain Xavier Silkspool

"We do what we do for gold. But sometimes the true payment is what we achieve."
Offence 10
Defence 5
Movement 12
View Radius 7
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Aleah Ardashir

"Art, music, and the fading smell of gun powder once a battle is won."
Offence 5
Defence 5
Movement 13
View Radius 8
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Bihgli Satherdown

"Calm down, there is time."
Offence 5
Defence 10
Movement 12
View Radius 7
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"Ah, to draw Essence from a thing. That is the marvel I seek."
Offence 5
Defence 10
Movement 12
View Radius 7
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Huma Rosewater

"Furthermore, I am of the opinion that the Rana must be destroyed "
Offence 10
Defence 5
Movement 12
View Radius 7
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Sanaz Trueweight

"The Trueweight Battalion is ready to serve. For the right price."
Offence 5
Defence 5
Movement 13
View Radius 8
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"My price? It might be more than you think, my services are often sought for."
Offence 5
Defence 5
Movement 13
View Radius 8
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Baryan soldiers demand good music, both to fight, and to march.
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"The point of the pike is to hurt your enemy without the risk of getting hurt yourself."

-Drill Sergeant Shahiz
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"Magic? Antiquated. Gunpowder is all the magic my army needs!" - Sanaz Trueweight
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Shaggy and matted fur, horrid teeth and a breath to make your toes curl.
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"A flail in the hands of a Brute is a deadly dance that defies all notions of surrender."
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"Magic is something youre born with, but to be a tinkerer requires great study, creativity and skill."

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Everything's a deal in Barya. Sassanids deal in death.
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"Ah, the gallant knights. Fire the Hellbreaths."

-Esfir Prune at the Battle of Cedar Hill
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A massive weapon for protecting the towns and settlements of Barya.
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Piper's Post

Pipers train and compose stirring tunes to inspire troops and terrify enemies.
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Dreath Den

The vicious Dreath can be trained using the right combination of rewards and punishments. Once broken, they are obedient animals in peace and war.
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Merchants practice their craft and pay Gold in duties and tariffs.
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Stone Pit

Stone is necessary for construction and inventions.
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Wood is a basic element for buildings and inventions.
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Guard Tower

When negotiations fail, a guard tower oversees the surroundings and protects the city with Garrisons and Ballistae.
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Rally Point

Purchase troops from other towns and settlements in your kingdom.
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Mercenary Quarters

Pikeneers and Musketeers spar, train and await their contract for employment.
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Harima Brutes and Sassanids spar and train, safely testing the new inventions of the tinkerers.
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Tinkerers develop new inventions and can be recruited to try them out.
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Resources from all corners of the world can be bought or traded.
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Ingenious machines assemble the Hellbreath for the mercenary forces of Barya.
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The fine points of casting metal and working ores leads to greater weapons and creations.
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Merchants Guild

Research dedicated to the fine points of increasing wealth and trade.
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