Peasant hut

A thatch hut is all a peasant needs, and from the peasants Militia can be drafted.
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Taverns gather minstrels, Troubadours and all those who listen and drink.
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Collecting Gold from farmers is an Arleon tradition.
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Digging deep to mine for strong Stone.
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Wood is always needed and so are Lumbermills.
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Guard Tower

When enemies of the realm approach, a guard tower detects them and defends against sieges with Garrisons and Ballistae.
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Rally Point

Purchase Troops from other towns and settlements in your kingdom.
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Rat Warren

A breeding ground for rats to join the ranks of Loth.
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Oathbound are uncovered in the Crypt and awakened to serve.
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Farmers grow crops and pay Gold for the privilege.
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Stone Works

Stones are worked to build and fortify the excavations.
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Timber Mill

Wood is a necessary part of any excavation.
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Guard Tower

Houses Garrisons and Ballistae to defend against sieges, and gives warning when enemies and non-believers approach.
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Rally point

Purchase Troops from other towns and settlements in your kingdom.
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Piper's Post

Pipers train and compose stirring tunes to inspire troops and terrify enemies.
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Dreath Den

The vicious Dreath can be trained using the right combination of rewards and punishments. Once broken, they are obedient animals in peace and war.
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Merchants practice their craft and pay Gold in duties and tariffs.
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Stone Pit

Stone is necessary for construction and inventions.
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Wood is a basic element for buildings and inventions.
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Guard Tower

When negotiations fail, a guard tower oversees the surroundings and protects the city with Garrisons and Ballistae.
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Rally Point

Purchase troops from other towns and settlements in your kingdom.
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Shaman Tent

Shamans reflect on the teaching of the Marsh and share their wisdom with the Rana.
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Fungus Farm

Harvesting fungus to feed Rana and contibute Gold to the community.
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Stone is a solid foundation in many buildings.
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Crafty Rana gather Wood from fallen trees and ancient roots.
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Lookout Tower

A Lookout Tower detects threats to the Marsh while gathering Garrisons and Ballistae to defend against sieges.
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Spawning Pool

Purchase Troops from other camps and settlements in your kingdom.
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Footmen and Rangers are trained and recruited in the barracks.
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Faey Grove

Faey gather here to play, do battle and make mischief.
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Knights need a proper castle, with proper servants, and proper food.
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A place to trade and purchase resources.
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Where Toxicologists meddle with mixtures and prepare for the coming of a new era of the Aurelian Empire.
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Aurelian Sanctum

Cultists and Aurelian Scholars study ancient texts and convince pilgrims that the return of Aurelia Eternal will bring back peace and glory.
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Spectres and Scavenged Bones arise from the opened sarcophagi of the Mausoleum.
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Trading Post

Trade is an excellent way to gather the resources needed for higher works.
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Mercenary Quarters

Pikeneers and Musketeers spar, train and await their contract for employment.
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Harima Brutes and Sassanids spar and train, safely testing the new inventions of the tinkerers.
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Tinkerers develop new inventions and can be recruited to try them out.
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Resources from all corners of the world can be bought or traded.
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Mud Huts

Guards gather to train their beloved Crawlers in their dwellings. Theyre ready to protect the Marsh at all costs.
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Beast Corral

Wild Ravagers and Tremors are trained to support the Rana instead of eating them.
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Chelun Sanctuary

The Chelun gather and study. Sometimes they will lend their skills to a cause.
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The Exchange

Rana from all corners of the Marsh come to trade for resources.
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Faey Court

Faey Nobles hold court, practice magic and tell tales of yesteryears.
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Grand Armory

Research how to craft stronger weapons and armor for the troops.
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Research how to get more from the peasants without breaking their backs. A strong economy is a strong barony.
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Summoning Circle

Legions that fell together, fused in death, are waiting to rise and serve again.
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Forum of the Unseen

Study, devotion and labor leads to research that improves the troops of Aurelia.
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Library Of Aurelia

Research of the past unlocks methods for more efficient production and resource recovery.
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Ingenious machines assemble the Hellbreath for the mercenary forces of Barya.
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The fine points of casting metal and working ores leads to greater weapons and creations.
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Merchants Guild

Research dedicated to the fine points of increasing wealth and trade.
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Smoldering Cave

Ethdra make their home in warm caves. There they practice their arts and seek to unlock their past.
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Dragon Pyramid

Studying the runes in the pyramid brings knowledge of the wars Rana fought in the past, and how to use that knowledge now.
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Birthing Pools

Where the Rana share and develop new skills for life in the Marsh.
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